Category: General Arboriculture

Ash Die Back Tree Removal

Ash Die Back or Hymenoscyphus Fraxineus

Ash trees are incredibly popular here in the UK. They grow naturally in most forested areas and are known to contribute heavily to their ecosystems by providing a rich layer of humus. This humus, formed from dropped leaves, twigs and other flora, provides the makeup for a healthy, happy and aerated soil below. Ash’s ability […]
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What is Tree Pollen?

It’s well-known that pollen causes hayfever, an allergy with symptoms like a blocked nose and an itchy throat. But if you find yourself experiencing hayfever symptoms earlier in the year, you may be allergic to tree pollen. Here at Broadleaf, we work with all different kinds of trees and hedges. We know exactly what it’s […]
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Crown Reduction in Progress

What Is a Tree Surgeon?

What do tree surgeons do? Tree surgeons look after trees and hedges in the urban environment. Trees need to be managed for many different reasons. Often trees outgrow there surroundings and become to large for there location. Sometimes they might even become unsafe! Trees have evolved over thousands of years, and have managed to thrive in […]
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